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Community Classes

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Do GoodOxford

in Woodstock, ON

Do Good is proudly a maker’s space, where creativity and community collide.

Our studio space is designed for open-ended creativity, featuring hands-on art projects for all ages, and access to all sorts of expected and unexpected materials. Through workshops, multi-week programs, events and drop-in space, we’re bringing creativity and community together in a unique way for Oxford County.

YogAmanda Studio and Do Good Oxford have partnered to offer Beginner's Yoga. During this 6 week course, you will learn the fundamentals the yoga, connecting within yourself, and breath work aka Pranayam. This is a space of community, safety and inclusivity. All are welcome! 
Follow the link below to register, or see when the next series begins!


Berrylicious Fruit Farm

"Yoga outdoors is a sensational delight for the mind, body and soul"
Join Amanda for a 45 minute beginner Yoga class in the berry patch.
You will gently explore movement, the breath and the peace that abides within, when we take time to connect within.
All you need is your mat, a block, and a willingness to explore movement in your body and how it feels for you.
Flexibility is not required. Age is not a factor. Yoga is for every body.

Bonnie Heath Estate
Lavender Farm & Winery

Experience rejuvenation and relaxation with an experienced yoga instructor, catering to all levels, with an emphasis on holistic wellness through breathwork and mindfulness. 

Life is busy, our minds are even busier. Let this class be an invitation for you to turn your focus inwards, with the intention of moving slow like honey. We will gently invite flexibility and strength at the same time as we invite calm within the body with our pranayama, the breath. Yoga is a practice, creating union within the mind, body, and soul. Learning to tune-inward, to the Sat Nam, your true self, instead of looking to the outer world to tell us who we are.

Each class is 60 minutes and can be set up in the Farmhouse, Cellar Suite or outdoors. 


Yoga in the Park

Find me Westside Estates Park in Norwich, ON 

Join me on your  mat, taking the outdoors inside to rejuvenate and connect with nature in your practice. Tuedays at 9am, BYOM Bring your own mat!

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